Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Fence Lizard’s happy ending

I’ve been waiting for a story like this to introduce my “Critter Killing Kitty Cat” - say that 5 times fast - also known as, Addy. She is the sweetest little jet black kitty and in the last few months, it has become customary for me to find a small mouse or lizard on my back porch that she has killed.
So today, I pull up at my house, and see that Addy has something captured on my front porch. I approach slowly and see this unusual critter. I check to see if it is still alive, and it is, so, I try and get Addy away.
As I move in closer to look at her victim I decide it looks like a tiny iguana, without the mohawk. I have never seen anything like it. Luckily, I have my camera around my neck because I had taken it to work with me and I snap a picture of this “thing” so I can get an ID on it.

Meanwhile as I’m trying to take pictures, keep Addy away, who is very irritated with me by this point, and get the creature to safer ground, I realize he is hissing at us. So funny . . . he’s little bitty, but he is still a bit scary!
I call my Aunt Debra who has taught me recently those little green “lizards” we commonly see are actually called Anoles (uh-NO-leez). So I figure if anybody can tell me what this is it would be her.
I describe him to her and she says it may be a Fence Lizard, and asks if it has bright blue armpits and a bright blue underbelly. From what I can tell, I say no, but we decide I should start my search there anyway.

So I come in and Google Fence Lizard, and download my pictures and sure enough . . . it’s a Fence Lizard! I can even see the blue markings in my pictures that I missed in all the excitement earlier. COOL!
Finally, I try to decide what to do with the dear Fence Lizard. I spot an empty cheezy poof bucket. I go back out front and get him safely inside the bucket and take him down to the tree line in the FRONT yard and let him go, while Addy is enjoying her Cat Chow in the BACK yard.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Golf and geese

Josh and I went to The Links of Madison County today so he and Tony, one of his work buddies, could play golf. We had a really great time.

Josh didn't play as well as he did last time, but it was still a fun day. On hole 4, he almost got a hole-in-one. His shot landed about 3 feet from the hole! He was pretty excited. On hole 5, Tony's shot went through the fence. We came around the corner and caught him reaching through the fence with his driver and pulling it back on the course.

While the boys' golf games were entertaining, I also enjoyed watching the geese enjoy the many water hazards around the course. They were splashing around and honking all day.

Temp-wise the weather was great today, but the sun was blazing and Josh and I both got a little burned. When I put my "after-sun" lotion on earlier I smiled because the smell of that lotion always lets me know warm weather has arrived!

Welcome to the world of blogging

In the last year, I have joined Facebook, Twitter and now, the world of blogging. Believe me, I resisted as long as I could. Right now, Twitter is my favorite, but I'm thinking it's time to try blogging. It has taken me two months to figure out what to write about though. I wasn't sure whether to write something funny, opinionated, informative or just something random. So, here is it is...I'm blogging about blogging! I hope to start updating this on a regular basis. With family and friends scattered all around the world...literally...I figured this would be yet another great way to stay in touch, and considering I had four years of college telling me how to write, this shouldn't be too hard!
